Yahoo: Airline bumping rate drops to lowest levels in decades after United incident

Aug. 9, 2017

Airline bumping rates in the US have dropped to their lowest level since 1995, marking a positive turn in what's been a particularly turbulent year for the flying public.

According to the latest statistics released by the US Department of Transportation, the rate of bumping between January and June of 2017 was 0.52 per 10,000 passengers, down from 0.62 for the same period in 2016, and the lowest rate posted since 1995.

Statistics are for the 12 US carriers who report involuntary denied boarding or bumping.

Carriers also posed a bumping rate of 0.44 per 10,000 passengers for the second quarter of 2017, likewise marking the lowest quarterly rate since 1995.

The decline in bumping could be explained by the fallout from the infamous removal of a passenger aboard a United Airlines flight in the same quarter.


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