Yahoo: Tourists reminded to be on their best behavior as anti-tourism protests mount across Europe

Yahoo: Tourists reminded to be on their best behavior as anti-tourism protests mount across Europe

Aug. 11, 2017

After Mallorca, Venice and Barcelona, San Sebastian is the latest European city to plan an anti-tourism march protesting the number of unchecked tourists "invading" their cities.

Timed to coincide with a major Basque festival, the Semana Grande, the anti-tourism march in San Sebastian is planned for August 17, at the height of tourist season when the region will be swarming with Spaniards and foreigners alike.

Across Europe, a wave of anti-tourism sentiment has been overheating this summer, with protestors spraying messages like "Tourists go home" and "Stop destroying our lives" on city walls across Spain.

A similar story is playing out across Italy and Croatia, where patience with tourists behaving badly and the impact large, unchecked crowds are having on daily life is wearing thin among locals.


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